
As A Weight Loss Supplement

By Ceylon-Cinnamon | 7th July 2015

You don't have to be a professional chef to know that cooking should always involve spicing. All spices offer a variety of benefits, not to mention key flavour (and very few calories) to every meal. Especially cinnamon is a well-known spice that many seem to enjoy when added to beverages or foods. Besides its particular aroma and sweet taste, it has shown an assortment of elements that contribute to a healthy body. Ceylon cinnamon, the original spice from the lands of Sri Lanka provides high-quality cinnamon and a range of derived products and supplements to help improve not only the quality of taste, but also the internal functions of the overall health. At Ceylon Cinnamon, you’ll find products for very cooking and eating style, from cinnamon powder and sticks, to cinnamon leaf oil and even a handmade soap, all of which can be shipped worldwide from the homeland of the spice itself.

Benefits of Cinnamon for Weight Loss

As a super food, Ceylon cinnamon aids with a long-lasting weight loss, being these, the four most relevant advantages:

1. The number one benefit that cinnamon provides is controlling insulin levels in the body and decreasing blood sugar. Maintaining a blood sugar level is the healthiest way to prevent diabetes and avoid fat from building up, so adding cinnamon to a daily diet will surely help by approximately a 25% in the process of losing some pounds.

2. This multifunctional spice can also suppress appetite and assist digestion, making you feel full for more hours while also lowering the chances of any sugar craving. This is especially effective for those who are constantly feeling hungry or craving high-caloric foods. Cinnamon can replace the sugar intake, making it easier to lose weight.

3. Nutritionists have also stated that cinnamon lowers LDL cholesterol, which is the bad kind. Besides strengthening the heart activity, reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol is also directly related to weight loss, and experts support the idea of including the spice on diets to accelerate the process.

4. One important factor when talking weight loss is metabolism. Foods that speed metabolism are highly recommended when trying to lose pounds, and cinnamon is one good example of these foods. The presence of cinnamon in our body causes a faster metabolism and, by consequence, we burn more calories.

There are so many different ways on how to include cinnamon into your eating habits, and all of them will help one way or another on the long run. Whether you sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon on your cereal, add it to your coffee or tea, mix it into your juice, or take a cinnamon capsule, any way will aid with losing those extra pounds or simply maintaining a healthy weight. However, keep in mind that solely adding cinnamon to your meals won't probably show the desired results. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and having good sleeping habits will all act together to make the cinnamon intake more effective.

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